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Alacrity Wiki Administrators/Editors Discussion
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This thread is for us Wiki Editors to discuss the wiki so we can all see, and so we don't clog up chat :)

So, let's co-ordinate a bit here, guys!

Wiki Editors


Pomplamoose - general wiki help
Lennyk - moving old wiki stuff over to new wiki


05-18-2011 at 1:47 AM
Yeah, thats a good idea. I'll look into that tonight :) Also, if the monthlies continue to be on a news post with artists credited, I can fill in the artists from now on. I thought it was a nice update :)

05-17-2011 at 11:11 PM
Still no clue on the headers- I can fill in the artist slots today :) maybe you could message an actual Wikia admin about it, they might have an idea? Or I could.<br /> <br /> I'd like us to get started on the other breed articles, too. Does anyone feel like writing some?

05-17-2011 at 10:10 PM
So the item/background guide is again up to date. But there are a lot of missing artist slots now. Do you have time to fill those in Kitty? And also, any ideas on how to make the headers less wonky?

02-17-2011 at 7:33 AM
x.x I got it half way done the other day but when I went to save it, the internet wigged and I lost it all.<br /> <br /> I have a cold now. As soon as I kick this, I will get to work on that page again!

02-13-2011 at 8:21 AM
Haha Sure thing! ^.^

02-10-2011 at 10:39 PM
I was initially going to do that, Blix, but if you want to take over, by all means go ahead! I believe there are two separate columns, one for artist and one for creator; if you could fill in both that would be fabulous.

02-10-2011 at 7:12 PM
Hey, do you guys want people who made CAs to go in and add their Number and the artist who created the CA? I just noticed that section of the wiki. If you all want, I could take over editing that section. I have a lot of time in the day xD

02-1-2011 at 7:36 AM
I havne't created any links on the Wiki yet, but I'm sure it can't be too hard...so it would be great if you could do that. I don't want to leave the artists uncredited. <br /><br />To make your life easier, just add the artists in where they are not the same as the creator. Hopefully that makes sense :)I'm getting all my info from the old Wiki...so the site item guide wouldn't help me at all. Completely up to you. Thank you for your help Kittybot. I appreciate it.

02-1-2011 at 7:03 AM
Most of them have the artist listed. I can go through and put the names and account #'s in if you can link-ify them for me.<br /><br />(do you want me to add the numbers to the site items guide also?)

02-1-2011 at 3:51 AM
I'm starting on the CA guide tonight. I have all the names set in. However, I added a column that the old Wiki CA listings doesn't have. Kitty, you said I should have a creator & artist column, but the old Wiki only has a creator. Is there a way to get the artists?

01-29-2011 at 4:10 AM
Thanks ever so, Lenny, you're a doll!

01-29-2011 at 3:35 AM
Item guide is complete! The spacing between tables is a little off but my computer is sick of cooperating with me today. I'll fix it as soon as possible. If anyone sees any typos or errors, please point them out.

01-25-2011 at 5:23 AM
Sorry, wrong account xD

01-25-2011 at 5:22 AM
Wow.. thanks for the help :)

01-24-2011 at 6:26 AM
Yes I will keep it up to date Lenny:)

01-24-2011 at 6:23 AM
Wild, once I get the CA guide made, will you be able to keep it updated? I'm not sure how you get the CA information. Until the new guide can be made, will you continue to update the old Wiki for the CA's? I can update the item guide on the new Wiki.

01-24-2011 at 1:17 AM
No prob :) I'll keep an eye out

01-23-2011 at 10:05 AM
Thanks Clay! I'll be rewriting the whole Breeding article soon :)

01-23-2011 at 7:18 AM
<b>Page:</b> <i>"All About Breeding"</i> [cont.]<br><b>Error:</b> <i>"What you can Breed for."</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"What you can <b>b</b>reed for."</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"There are Three things to Breed for on Ala"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"There are <b>t</b>hree things to <b>b</b>reed for on Ala"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"Max"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"<b>m</b>ax"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"are very low tp,"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"are very low <b>TP</b>"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"The Breding for Top Potentail"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"The <b>breed</b>ing for <b>t</b>op <b>potential</b>"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"In this type of Breeding"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"In this type of <b>b</b>reeding"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"Top Dowg</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"Top D<b>a</b>wg"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"See secion Below"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"See <b>section b</b>elow</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"most popular form of Breeding"<br>"possible for the Breed"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>Stop capitalizing "breed"ing/er</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"as well as top dowg potentail."</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"as well as <b>Top Dawg</b> poten<b>tial</b>."</i><br><br /><br>Ugh, that one was brutal

01-23-2011 at 7:05 AM
<b>Page:</b> <i>"All About Breeding"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"What are the Conditions for your dog to be able to breed?</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"What are the <b>c</b>onditions..."</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"How do you Breed in your Own Kennel?</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"How do you <b>b</b>reed in your <b>o</b>wn <b>k</b>ennel?</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"(70mood,health,etc.)"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>Add spaces</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"Small breeds have 1-3 Large breeds have 2-4"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"Small breeds have 1-3 <b>pups and l</b>arge breeds have 2-4"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"you can choose the Bitch"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"you can choose the <b>b</b>itch"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"How to you Breed to a dog Outside of your Kennel?</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>How <b>do</b> you <b>b</b>reed to a dog <b>o</b>utside of your <b>k</b>ennel?</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"How long will my Bitch be in heat? How long will she be Pregnant?"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"How long will my <b>b</b>itch be in heat? How long will she be <b>p</b>regnant?"</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"A Bitch Comes into Heat..."</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"A <b>b</b>itch <b>c</b>omes into <b>h</b>eat..."</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"Once a Bitch is in heat..."</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"Once a <b>b</b>itch is in heat..."</i><br><b>Error:</b> <i>"Bitch"</i><br><b>Correction:</b> <i>"<b>b</b>itch"</i>


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